Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 8 Notes

indirect portraits: pictures of the buildings and homes in your neighborhood, town, and city
  • these photos can give an insight to people's lives
  • this is also a way to examine
    • interior
    • detail
    • big view
in history photographers used architecture as subjects for many reasons
  • buildings are stationary
  • ready subjects with alot of detail
  • varied tones and values
  • camera exposures could last as long as nessicary
 Charles Negre switched from painting to photography as a line of work
"try for a record of emotion rather than a piece of topography""-Frederick H. Evans
  • evans was one of the greatest architectural photographers in the history of the medium
Eugene Atget, a french photographer photographed paris and its surrounding towns for 30 years and produced about 10,000 images
  • use line to lead the viewers eye through an architectural image
  • a buildings relationship to the things around it can reveal a lot about its personality
  • pattern: the repetition of any of the elements of art 
    • bricks, designs in a carpet, walpaper, arrangement of windows
  • smaller f stop gives a greater depth of field
  • a bigger camera format=most detailed images
  • architecture photographs can be either black and white or color
  • there are many different kinds of lights
    • incandescent lights(regular household bulbs)
    • quartz lights(modern spotlights)
    • flourescent lights
  • each bulb gives a different color white

taking the "big picture" wide angle lenses are very useful
  • the wider the lens is the more distortion you get
tripods help capture the picture with a slow shutterspeed

  • using a yellow or orange filter will sperate the clouds from the sky
  • a polarizer can also be used to darken a light sky or take the reflections from glass down

  • big view: the wide angle 
  • perspective distortion: appears as strong converging lines in a building where the sides of a building angle in toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality
shadows are their own subjects and can be cast against interesting pieces of architecture

detail shot: features of the individual architectural elements of a building


Saturday, January 22, 2011


     Timmothy O'Sullivan started his photography career as an apprentis to Mathew Brady. His apprentisship was terminated after O'Sullivan decided to photograph the Civil War. Timmothy O'Sullivan was known for his depiction of the war. O'Sullivan's along with Alexander Gardner's pictures of the Civil War were some of the first to be published in an entire collection of the Civil War. O'Sullivan was made chief photographer of the United States Treasury after he participated in the first govermental survey of the American West. In 1880 shortly after being names chief photographer, O'Sulllivan died of Tuberculosis at 41 years old.

Carr Clifton started traveling the world and his career in 1977. Clifton  is a landscape photographer whose signature is the use of the vibrant colors he captures in each photograph. To get the best possible picutre with the most minute detail, Clifton uses the best of the best equiptment. Cliftons photographs have been displayed in multiple magazines and galleries.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Landscape Photography

  • 3 main types
  1. the grand landscape
  2. details
  3. abstract
  • elements and principles exist naturally in landscape photos
  • rule of thirds can be critical
  • colors can show mood
  • 100 ISO can give you the most detail
  • tripods help
Ansel Adams

  • 1902-1984
  • best known for black ans whites
  • shot to conserve nature
  • shot with long exposures
  • first person to ever take a presidential portrait
John Sexton

  • worked with Ansel Adams
  • likes to use shape as awell as patterns and repetition
Timmothy O'Sullivan

  • most well known for documenting civil war
  • initial photographs of grand canyon, etc
  • New Topicgraphics

  • use the macro lens
  • filters
    • yellow brings out clouds
  • maximum depth of field
  1. maximize depth of field(f-stop)
  2. use a tripod
  3. look for focal point
  4. think foregrounds
  5. consider the sky
  6. lines
  7. capture movement
  8. work with the weather
  9. work with the golden hours
  10. think about horizons
  11. change your point of view

Monday, January 10, 2011

notes 1/10/11

  • architecture is its own form of art
    •     photos of architecture are portraying a persins view of a piece of art
  • architectural photographs are insdirect portraits
  • architecture is not just the fancy buildings
  • architecture used to be a perfect subject to photograph
    • b/c never moved, different angles and perspectives, different designs of buildings, elements and principles exist in architecture 
  • emotion can be depicted by use of light
  • frederick h evans- try for a record of emotion rather than a photograph
  • find the repetition

big picture
small details

  • where is...(flickr)
  • ezra stoller
    • started as an architect then turned photographer
  • influential photographer-died in '04
  • pattern will be in all arcitucture

Thursday, January 6, 2011

notes 1/6

  • illustrated daily news was the first news paper sold on the basis of pictueres+
    • used attention grabber picture just a regular news paper does
  • 1920=tabloid wars
  • new york graphic was the most graphic tabloid
    • had most sex in them
  • staged and fake photographs were used
  • people responded to photographs more than drawings, so advetisers started to use photos more
  • used photographs to minipulate the product, such as a lighter or toilett
  • photography created a media celebrity
  • babe ruth was the most photographed man on earth
  • people became "celebrity obsessed"
    • pictures created a connection between the average person and celebrities
  • photography was a recording of what a person sees rather than a persons interpretation of what they see